Friday, February 29, 2008

I am the Decider

Jeff hates me sometimes. I have the ability to make decisions very quickly and I very rarely regret them. When we have a decision to make that involves both of us, he likes to mull things over, thinking on the pros and cons, sometimes for days, and then he usually comes to the same decision that I made in 30 seconds. He wonders how I do it. Sometimes his decisions seem spur of the moment, but those are usually prefaced with, "I've been thinking about this for quite awhile". This has almost become a joke in our family lexicon because I hear him say it pretty often. These decisions usually involve electronics and large amounts of money. Come to think of it, purchasing decisions can be the ones that I will stall on, because I'm a cheapskate. Jeff does his level best to make sure he gets the best deals when we want large ticket item, but when you're talking about hundreds of dollars, a good deal on a LCD TV doesn't strike a chord in my cheapie heart like getting something for $6.00 that should have cost $70. Now, that's a bargain! Anne

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