Saturday, February 2, 2008

Back in the Saddle

I went back to work last night...*sigh*, I had to float. The girls on ICU tell me it's been feast or famine around there and they have been floating more. Since I was off for three months, it does make sense that it was my turn, but what a bummer. I was looking forward to being with my own "happy to see me" people! Now, admittedly, the shift was not too bad, but, talk about sink or swim! Used to staffing calling and asking if it's OK if they float me, call, find out when you get there. Used to familiar faces,...get over on tele where you only recognise three people! Used to two patients and mostly paper charting?...let's throw you out and give you 5 patient's and charting all on the computer! Used to a little down time in the middle of the night?..."MOVE, MOVE, MOVE", barely enough time for a break! Used to getting up after four hours feeling mostly refreshed?...get out of bed like an Uruk Hai breaking out of it's muddy birthing shell! Man, that was tough. My next shift is a four hour evening...more on that later! Anne

1 comment:

Tom Smart said...

Ooo, ouch. Tough start back to work. I guess it'll only get better...