Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sorry, Folks

I know there are some of you who read this blog faithfully and are wondering why I am not posting with the regularity I was. I guess I haven't felt I have much that is uplifting to say. But, as one friend told me, "Write for yourself and don't care so much about readers." I guess that for myself, I have felt lazy and tired and that is not my best writing atmosphere. I am having some trouble adapting to the new, so called, eating. Actually, all I can do right now is drink. I am so bored with it and occassionally feel very like a manatee. Trying to get in 64 ounces a day into a stomach that can hold only a half ounce at a time is no small feat. My stomach is growling now and I don't know what it means! Used to mean, "Hey, you're hungry!" HOW can a person be full and hungry at the same time? I hate the taste of soy and the feel of mushy in my mouth. Wah, wah, wah....Anne

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