Thursday, March 20, 2008

Home Again

Well folks, here's the deal with gastric bypass surgery: they put you on a liquid diet for two weeks, then take away 80% of your stomach capacity by punching little holes through your belly and sewing things into different pathways. Then when you think all is hunky dokey, they send you home to lurch around like an old lady ape. I had very little pain the first day, until I got home and tried to go to bed. I had to spend the night in my recliner, getting up every two hours to pee and every four hours for pain medicine. I felt like Quasimoto on his way to the bell tower. I really have no desire for food at all and am having to force myself to eat. Seems like a drastic way to diet, doesn't it? Oh, and by the way, I weighed 5 pounds more when I got home than when I left the house the day before! Where's the justice in that? I know that I will be feeling better soon and will start to lose weight, so I hope my future posts are sunnier. Love to all of you! Anne

1 comment:

Cyndee@Riezzee's Place said...

Yea! Glad to hear that you are back at home. The hard part is over. Just stopped by to check in. Talk later.
