Friday, January 25, 2008

I Love the Internet!

I am having so much fun with this blog! The frustrated secretary in me loves moving things about and finding new ideas to put in it. I haven't utilized 1/20th of the things I could, but that's ok, room to grow is exciting. I love the internet. I have a few friends who haven't succumbed to it yet and all I can say is, "You don't know what you're missing!" I know there is a lot of crappy stuff out there and the internet makes it easier to get to, but if you're the type who generally avoids the crappy stuff, you can do it here too. There is just so much available that is fun, enlightening, and enriching. I'm so glad that my husband works with and is so into computers. My life is being improved because of it. Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to have their own, personal, in-home IT guy. That must make accessibility more difficult. My father-in-law has proven that no one is too old to learn; he just started internet banking! I hope you like it Dad. Just like anything new, there is a learning curve, but it sure is fun when you crest the peak and can start the "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" of the downhill side. Anne

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