Is it just me, or is everyone feeling this, this.....overabundance of self? I'm talking about the need to, every time you turn around, come up with a new identity. Its always, "type in your username and password". Of course you cannot, nay, MUST not, use the same one over and over, due to the danger of "identity theft", so most of us have so many usernames and passwords that we have forgotten more of them then we remember. Then we have to do things like put them on a computer document, or even better, write them all down and hide them somewhere. I have now forgotten more hiding places than I remember. I can't visit some of the websites I like anymore, because I don't know who they know me as! It just gets too frustrating to try and print a new coupon or make a new friend because I can't remember who I am in this place, so I just give up. Actually, I feel sorry for identity theives these days, they have to have a brain like a computer to remember who they are, much less all the "usernames and passwords" of anyone whom they wish to become.
Who wrote this entry? Do I know you?
"Name, rank, and serial number".
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