Thursday, April 17, 2008

Man in my Life

I thought it might be fun to reminice about the day that I met Jeff. I was in my freshman year of college, yes, all of 18! I had a friend named Laurie, who was in a few of my classes. Through her, I got to know Jon, who was rather an eccentric. I had never actually seen a man in vans and a bandana at the same time before I met him. He seemed very "Fast Times at Ridgemont High". Some could argue that he was not a man, just a boy...anyway, Laurie and Jon had just started dating and the three of us hung around together quite a bit. (Can you say third wheel?) Jon spoke about his friend Jeff often and I was a little interested, but, I must admit to having a small crush on Jon myself. Bad friend, bad! I never acted on it! So, on this night, I was working at Marshall's and had invited Jon to come over and see me there. It was getting late and I had about given up on him, when here he was, with Jeff in tow. I was a little peeved that he hadn't come by himself, so my first thought of Jeff was, "Who's this funny looking guy?" The guys stood around in the towels and sheets section and chatted with me, well Jon and I chatted, Jeff is the quiet type, until he gets to know you, while I worked at straightening things up. After I was done, we all went to my house so I could change and then we went to Country Kitchen. I had a cinnamon roll, Jeff had iced tea (later I learned that was because he was low on funds and tea is continually refillable). I don't even remember what Jon had. That has to be important. I ended that night thinking that Jeff was not funny looking, in fact, he was pretty cute and I was interested in getting to know him better. That took some time, but that is another story....

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