I’ve read a series of books in my adulthood in which the main character asserts that he can “write a thousand words on any topic”. This got me to thinking. What do a thousand words look like, a long paragraph or a short article? Is there much difference? I decided to dust off my own rusty writing skills and see what I could do with that self imposed assignment.
I don’t think I could make such a bold assertion. Could I write on “any topic”? I myself will be the first to admit that I don’t know much about much. Unlike my spouse, to whom an assignment like this would probably give fodder for years and years of long paragraphs, or short articles. He can successfully discuss just about anything, with anyone, especially if he knows them well. He is innately a shy guy, whereas I am very extroverted, but with limited discussable topics in my brain file. Where is the justice in that? My husband’s writing skills are pretty nifty too, come to think of it. Maybe we should have a competition. Being competitive, now that I could write about.
Looking back on what I’ve just written, I’ve come to the conclusion that one thousand words is not a long paragraph. As you can see, there are already two paragraphs, and a bit more, here. I think I’ll count the words, just too see where I stand. I seem to averaging about seventeen words per line. That means I need a total of about fifty nine lines! If I leave off the line with only one word in it, that brings me to about seventeen lines at this point. Fifty nine lines definitely make an article. Maybe not such a short one either. A thousand words do begin to seem daunting when you’re talking fifty nine lines.
Then again, even if I could write on any topic, could I make it enjoyable to read? Because in the end, who cares to read even a great topic, if the writing is as dry as dust? I don’t. I would need to be able to enjoy the writing as it went along. But, being an extrovert, I would get even more joy out of knowing that others have read it and gotten, at worst, a chuckle, and at best, an insight into a new point of view that could be life altering.
I might have to do it for the enjoyment of others, because to me, without that aspect, there is little point. I’ve always been the “look at me” type. Maybe that is why I can’t seem to buck up my entrepreneurial spirit. It is too scary to think that others could actually hate what I’ve done. Any of my efforts have always been about the pleasing of others. It has only been in the last decade or so that I have been able to even slightly appreciate anything done solely for my own enjoyment.
Wow, would you look at that? I’ve written a little over half of the assignment already! Admittedly, I’ve not been able to stay exactly on target, but I think that’s ok. Most of it seems to apply, and it is kind of fun to read too. This could really be a great exercise in writing practice, if nothing else. I could use some, heaven knows, if I ever intend to fulfill that life goal I have to write a novel. That is not the total goal, of course, the novel must get published as well, therein illustrating that “look at me” philosophy.
I must say that I do come by this honestly. My dad is just like me and he has taught me well. It’s the whole, “Why do anything unless you intend to get noticed for it?” philosophy on which he has built success in hobbies such as writing, speech making, and acting. Several awards and published works being the proof in his pudding. While I enjoy acting and writing, I cannot add speech making to that list. I still get a knock in my knees and a quiver in my voice whenever speechifying is necessary. Thankfully, it is not often necessary.
I also note that the trait has not ended with me. The need to be the center of attention is apparently passed genetically through the generations. The lucky (?) benefactor of this continuing need in the next generation is my thirteen year old. The younger you are, the stronger the need seems to be. And apparently it doesn’t always come tempered with the need to please others. Maybe that section of the DNA is missing, or maybe I’m just not remembering my own childhood with the most honest of perception.
Well, I feel that I have veered off topic again. It seems I’m blessed with a gift of gab that takes me in some very interesting directions, even when the gab is of the written variety. At least I hope that you have found it interesting. If not, please let me down gently and if I don’t have exactly a thousand words, don’t tell me that either.
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